Recommended Glasses Holder for Mother's Day Gifts
Oh, it's Mother's Day and I ended up with a men's photo.
However, let me introduce you to Tamalsan's glasses holder pin brooch, which is extremely useful for hanging sunglasses or reading glasses like this.
As May 12th is Mother's Day, today I would like to recommend glasses holder pin brooches for those looking for gifts. You can also use it as a hat pin by attaching it to your hat like this instead of hanging your glasses.
Here's how to use it as a glasses holder.

This one is also a cute glasses holder in a bee-like design.
Lastly, we have a chic glasses holder pin brooch with silk thread woven into the ring part.
Glasses holder pin brooches are fashionable accessories that can be worn as lapel pins, hat decorations, and enjoyed in various ways.
It's a unique and unconventional recommendation for a gift.
Check out the glasses holder pin brooch lineup here.