My Recommended Earrings and Piercings (On Sale)

My Recommended Earrings and Piercings (On Sale)

Today, I would like to introduce my recommended earrings and piercings, which are currently on sale.

First, take a look at this pair.

These are hoop earrings that combine Tamarusan's original resin parts with a herringbone pattern, onyx, and crystal.

When I think of herringbone, I somehow get an image of warm wool (100% wool), and to break that stereotype, I deliberately created a series with glittering bottom colors.

Next, we have hoop earrings that combine pink glitter, wood-grain resin, freshwater pearls, and smoky quartz. These resin parts were designed by Tamaru No. 2, and at the time, when selling at department store events, they thought using wallpaper with a wood-grain pattern gave a luxurious feel. So, they designed these earrings using the wallpaper they collected.hoop-earrings



Finally, we have hoop earrings that combine blue resin parts with a lily pattern, lapis lazuli, dyed crystal, and kunzite.

These resin parts were designed by me, and unusually for me, I made them by carefully drawing lines with a ruler.


What do you think? I believe these earrings and piercings are perfect for the upcoming hot season.

They are currently on sale, so if any of these catch your eye, please grab them quickly.

For other earrings and piercings, click here.


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